What is Zimplify ?
Quick system implementation
Implementing a cloud-bases system is quick and easy. Implementing Zimplify takes weeks, not months or years.
Easy reporting
With the help of a integrated reporting solution you can easily follow the business development and KPI. Reports for the government and authorities at a push of a button.
Utilize barcodes & print labels and documents
The use of barcodes in the inventory increases efficiency, reduces errors and manual work. Zimplify has support for barcode readers and GS-128 barcode interpretation out of the box. Create and send order-confirmations, delivery confirmations, delivery notes, waybills and invoices automatically in the background without manual work.
Automate routine tasks
With a modern system you can easily automate many routine tasks such as invoicing, invoice matching & sending invoice remainders.
EDI connections without middle-men to supermarket-chains and large wholesellers such as SOK, Kesko, Lidl, Kespro, Meiranova and Valio Aimo.
A comprehensive system for the food sector
Zimplify features
EDI, manual order entry, price-lists, profit margins
Ordered-/picked amount, box packaging, palletizing
Finvoice, EDI, Email, Paper
Current account ledger
Automized matching of payments and invoices, bank integrations
Warehouse management
Multiple inventories, bin-locations, inventory value, minimum stock levels, automatic alarms
Batch tracking
Country of origin, laitostunnukset, external batch-number, supplier/producer
Pallet tracking
Mixed pallets, customer pallets, product pallets
transbox interface for crate reporting
EDI, accounting systems, 3-PL warehouses, bank-integrations
Standard reports and a reporting engine
Order confirmation, price-lists, EDI
Goods reception
label printing, GS-128 barcode scanning
EDI, manual order entry, price-lists, profit margins
Ordered-/picked amount, box picking, palletizing
Finvoice, EDI, email, paper
Current account ledger
Automated matching of payments and incoices, bank-integrations
order confirmation, price-lists, EDI
Goods reception
label printing, barcode scanning
Warehouse management
Multiple inventories, bin-locations, stock value, minimum stock levels, automated alarms
Batch tracking
Country of origin, laitostunnukset, external batchnumber, supplier/producer
mixed pallets, customer pallets, product pallets
transbox create reporting and interface
EDI, accounting systems, 3-PL earehouses, bank integrations